
Hyatt Regency Oryx Doha Pay on Performance created new article
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Qatar | 1.2K Followers
3 years ago

Celebrating Togetherness This Ramadan | ##hyattregencyoryxdoha # #hyattregency # #doha ##qatar # #ramadan # #earlybird # #offers ##dohaoffers # #iftar # #suhoor # #choices # #alnafourahgarden #staycation #ramadanroomoffer

Celebrating Togetherness This Ramadan

Celebrating Togetherness This Ramadan

Starting from QAR 425 Per Room, Per Night

Iris Media Press Services Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 3.4K Followers
3 years ago

It’s a-Matrix NYE Party at Sheraton Mall of the Emirates | #countdown #choices #packages #beverages #sheraton Mall

It’s a-Matrix NYE Party at Sheraton Mall of the Emirates

It’s a-Matrix NYE Party at Sheraton Mall of the Emirates

It’s a-Matrix NYE Party at Sheraton Mall of the Emirates

Operations Manager - Veritos Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. India | 1.6K Followers
4 years ago

शायद वो आज जिंदा होते।

काबुल हवाईअड्डे से सोमवार को आई तस्वीरों ने वैश्विक समुदाय को झकझोर कर रख दिया है I

इन छवियों ने हमें स्तब्ध कर दिया और हमें ये सोचने पर मजबूर कर दिया, "क्या समय इतना क्रूर हो सकता है और इस तरह से हमारे आस्था की परीक्षा ले सकता है?

वो मासून बेचारे लोग जो अपनी जान बचाने के लिए भागने की कोशिश कर रहे थे, वे इस बात से अनजान थे कि वे वास्तव में अपनी मौत की ओर जा रहे थे।

जो लोग विमान के बाहरी अंग पर सवार हो कर निश्चिंत हो गए थे ये सोचकर की उनकी जान अब बच जाएगी, वे बिचारे इस बात से अनजान थे की वे असल में खुदके मौत की सफर पर सवार हो चुके थे।

शायद इन लोगों ने अपने जीवन में न तो कभी हवाईअड्डा देखा होगा और नाही हवाई जहाज के बारे में जाना होगा। इसलिए उन्होंने ऐसी गलती की, जिससे उन्हें अपनी जान गंवानी पड़ी, जिसे वे बचाना चाहते थे।

में तो ये सोच भी नहीं पा रहा हु की व्यक्ति की मानसिक स्थिति कैसी हो सकती है, उसके दिमाग में क्या ख़याल आते होंगे जब उसे जीवन और मौत में से एक को चुनना पड़ता है।

काश अफरातफरी के ऐसे अकल्पनीय स्थिति में भगवान् इन लोगों को सद्बुद्धि देता और वो वही रुक जाते तो आज वो जीवित होते और शायद सुरक्षित भी।

काश वक़्त इतनी क्रूरता से इंसान के आस्था की परीक्षा न लेता तो आज हमें मौत की इतनी भयानक और असहनीय वेदना देने वाली तस्वीरें देखेने की नौबत ही न आती।

#life #lifeanddeath #choices #decisions #fate #tragedy #afghanistan #abandoned #fallingtodeath #evacuation #humanitariancrisis #humanity #lifematters #kabulairport #kabul #peace #love #images #faith #time #hope #refugees #freedom #children #awareness #humanrights #justice #healing #people


Operations Manager - Veritos Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. India | 1.6K Followers
4 years ago

Perhaps, they would be alive today.

The images that came on Monday from the Kabul airport has shocked and stunned the global community.

These images numbed us and made us think, "Can the time be this cruel and test our faith in this way?

Those poor innocent souls who were trying to flee for the sake of saving their lives were unaware that they were actually heading to their deaths
Those who had clung to the exterior of the aircraft, thinking that their life would be safe, were unaware they had actually boarded the flight to their death.

Perhaps these people would have never seen an airport in their life and nor known about the aircraft. That is why they made such a mistake, due to which they had to lose their life, which they wanted to save.

I can't even imagine what a person's mental state might be, what thoughts must be coming to his mind when he has to make a choice between life and death.

I wish God had given wisdom to these people in such an unimaginable state of chaos, and if they had stayed back, they would have been alive today and probably even safe.

Perhaps, time had not tested the faith of human beings so brutally, we would not have had a chance to witness such horrific, unbearable and painful images of death today.

#life #lifeanddeath #choices #decisions #fate #tragedy #afghanistan #abandoned #fallingtodeath #evacuation #humanitariancrisis #humanity #lifematters #kabulairport #kabul #peace #love #images #faith #time #hope #refugees #freedom #children #awareness #humanrights #justice #healing #people


Operations Manager - Veritos Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. India | 1.6K Followers
4 years ago - YouTube

शायद वो आज जिंदा होते।

#life #lifeanddeath #choices #decisions #fate #tragedy #afghanistan #abandoned #fallingtodeath #evacuation #humanitariancrisis #humanity #lifematters #kabulairport #kabul #peace #love #images #faith #time #hope #refugees #freedom #children #awareness #humanrights #justice #healing #people